When New Jersey Administrative Lawyers Are Needed

Administrative lawyers are needed when a client, who is subject to an administrative agency’s employment rules or procedures, faces disciplinary charges. These charges, which can arise from either employer action or independent complaints, can impact continued employment and state licensing. In such a situation, you may need the services of a police defense attorney, professional license lawyer, or regulatory attorney. You must understand the financial and pension impacts of an administrative complaint as well as what can happen to your career.

Who is Subject to Administrative Law?

Clients who need the services of administrative lawyers typically are highly trained and licensed professionals. Law enforcement officers, for example, may need the services of police defense attorneys. Firefighters or teachers may need a regulatory attorney. Medical personnel, including physicians, nurses, dentists, podiatrists, and chiropractors may need a professional license lawyer.

If you are subject to administrative law and receive a complaint in some way related to your occupation, you should immediately consult a police defense attorney, a professional license lawyer or a regulatory attorney in addition to any other type of attorney that you may require. Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A. administrative attorneys work closely with family law attorneys and criminal law attorneys, and that teamwork can be extremely beneficial to some clients.

When faced with disciplinary action, clients subject to administrative law should call an attorney who can help explain their employment rights and procedures. A negative personnel finding, which must be disclosed in future applications for related work, can have serious long-term consequences. These employment consequences can add to other legal problems.

Motor Vehicle Issues

Any situation that affects your driving privileges can subject you to an administrative law proceeding. Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.’s team of experienced administrative lawyers routinely represents clients who face administrative action by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission or MVC. Frequently, after paying fines (and sometimes serving jail time) for traffic offenses, cases are resolved in municipal court. A client may believe the worst is over, however, MVC will sometimes take action against driving privileges, independent of the outcome in municipal court.

A client’s ability to drive to work, daycare, or medical treatments can be affected if MVC decides to impose additional fines or a license suspension. Therefore, at Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A., we thoroughly investigate these matters and represent clients through the administrative process and will, if necessary, request an MVC administrative hearing.

If you are facing administrative law proceedings in New Jersey, whether these are related to your job or to a motor vehicle issue, be sure to call an experienced administrative law lawyer, a police defense attorney, a professional license lawyer or a regulatory attorney.

Experienced Administrative Law, Police Defense, and Professional License Lawyers

If you are a civil service or non-civil service employee facing problems at work, administrative law attorneys at Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A. can help with the following:

  • Disciplinary actions
  • Administrative charges
  • Criminal charges
  • Civil complaints
  • Promotional challenges
  • Grievances
  • Appeals of unfavorable decisions
  • Administrative disciplinary actions
  • Department of Personnel
  • Superior Court

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Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A. is an approved member of the PBA Legal Protection Plan.

Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.

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