Conditional Dismissal Program New Jersey Lawyer

In New Jersey, if you are charged with certain minor offenses, you may have the opportunity for diversion to the conditional dismissal program. Conditional dismissals allow eligible defendants to avoid a criminal conviction and criminal record. Usually, if you are accepted in the conditional dismissal program, you agree not to commit any new offenses for a period of one (1) year. If you make it through that year, the original charges against you are dismissed, and you become eligible to immediately expunge (erase) that conviction from your criminal record.

Conditional dismissal is only available for certain offenses, and those charged with serious crimes will not be considered for conditional dismissal. Defendants wishing to use the conditional dismissal program in municipal court must not previously have been convicted of any disorderly persons offenses, and must not have had a prior diversion. Conditional dismissal is also not available for drunk driving charges.

For those that qualify, conditional dismissal (especially when combined with expungement) is an excellent alternative to traditional prosecution in municipal court. At Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A., we have over 400 years of combined experience, and have helped many people successfully complete diversionary options like the conditional dismissal program. Call us – problem solved.

Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.

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