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Data Breaches

Data breaches are serious. They can leave an organization damaged and unable to recover. What’s more, after a breach, many leaders accidentally make things worse by taking the wrong steps. Our attorneys can help.

Our Data Breach Attorneys Can Help

The team at Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A., can assist with data breaches. We can help get your systems back up and running, coordinate with your technology support and law enforcement, and comply with all applicable notification laws. Our approach focuses on minimizing the damage to your organization’s infrastructure and reputation. And because we know that your organization cannot afford to take a break, we will work around your schedule with as little interruption to you as possible.

If your organization has already suffered a breach, a Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A. Internet lawyer can help you minimize the damage by providing the following services:

Breach Forensics – We work with technology consultants who can provide comprehensive computer forensic services to locate the source of the breach and identify the information that was compromised. They are recognized experts in data security and have extensive experience investigating these types of intrusions.

Law Enforcement Coordination – We can act as your organization’s contact to help law enforcement do its job while minimizing your organization’s public exposure. Depending on their size, breaches can be investigated by many state and federal agencies, including the FBI, New Jersey State Police, and others.

Insurance Documentation – We can work with your insurance adjuster (or recommend one) to help catalog everything important for later use with an insurance claim. Since we know how breaches happen, we are well situated to assist your adjuster in achieving a good outcome with your insurance policies. We can also help you find and apply for cybersecurity insurance if you didn’t have it at the time of the breach.

Breach Notification – We can help you to understand applicable breach laws and make any required notifications to prevent additional consequences. There are several state and federal laws mandating what your organization must do in the case of a breach. Failing to comply with these laws can subject your organization to fines, penalties, and increased civil liability.

Remediation – After the immediate problems are handled, we can work with you to fix whatever issues caused your breach to decrease the likelihood of a breach happening again. We can also help you find and fix other vulnerabilities, assess your risk, upgrade your systems, and plan for the future.

Public Relations Coordination – Fixing a data breach may mean nothing if it causes irreparable damage to your organization’s reputation. That’s why we work with public relations specialists to ensure that information about your breach is released in a controlled manner. By setting the narrative, we put your organization ahead of the curve and try to limit the damage to the way your organization is perceived.

If you have been attacked or suffered a data breach, you shouldn’t try to handle things alone. You need an experienced team of professionals working for you to minimize the damage. Let us help guide you through this difficult experience so you can get back to work quickly. Contact the Internet law and data breach attorneys at Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A. today at 856-547-7888. Call Us – Problem Solved.

Call Us - Problem Solved

Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.

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