New Jersey White Collar Criminal Defense Attorneys for Federal and State Public Corruption Charges

Public corruption charges carry steep penalties under state and federal law. Public officials, political candidates, private citizens and businesses, and others accused of bribery and other corrupt practices can face fines and prison time. Even unproven allegations can completely change individuals’ and companies’ perceptions in the public eye.

Facing public corruption charges is a serious matter, and it requires experienced legal representation. At Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A., our New Jersey white collar defense lawyers bring decades of experience to helping clients avoid unnecessary and unjust consequences. We defend individuals and businesses during investigations, grand jury proceedings, and criminal trials, and we relentlessly pursue favorable outcomes with defense strategies that are custom-tailored to the circumstances at hand.

What Constitutes Public Corruption?

Public corruption is a criminal offense under federal law and the New Jersey Statutes. It can take several different forms, and private businesses, as well as individuals in both the public and private sectors can face either federal or state charges depending on the specific circumstances involved. Examples of acts that can be prosecuted as public corruption under federal or state law in New Jersey include:

  • Offering or paying a bribe or other “illegal gratuity” to a public official;
  • Soliciting or accepting a bribe or other “illegal gratuity” as a public official;
  • Embezzling public funds or using public funds for personal use;
  • Obtaining or awarding a government contract based on the promise or delivery of payment or other unlawful benefits; and,
  • Conspiring to offer unlawful benefits to a public official or to accept unlawful benefits in exchange for the performance (or omission of performance) of official duties.

The penalties for these and other public corruption charges vary greatly between specific offenses and depending upon whether the charges are filed under state or federal law. Generally speaking, however, public officials, political candidates, business owners, and others convicted of state and federal public corruption charges can face penalties including:

  • Substantial fines (potentially in the hundreds of thousands of dollars)
  • Long-term imprisonment (up to 15 years for certain federal public corruption offenses)
  • Loss of eligibility to receive government contracts at the local, state or federal level
  • Loss of eligibility to hold public office at the local, state or federal level

How Can I Defend Against Charges of Public Corruption?

As with all white collar crimes, there are several potential defenses to state and federal public corruption charges. This includes statutory defenses, common law defenses and defenses based upon violations of your constitutional rights. As your defense counsel, our white collar defene attorneys will thoroughly examine the facts of your case and develop a defense strategy designed to protect you to the fullest extent possible.

Speak with a New Jersey Public Corruption Lawyer Today

If you are under investigation or facing public corruption charges, we encourage you to contact us immediately to discuss your defense strategy. To speak with a New Jersey public corruption defense lawyer at Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A. in confidence, call 877-435-6371 or inquire online now. 

Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.

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