Domestic Violence Kidnapping New Jersey Criminal Lawyer

New Jersey Criminal Lawyer for Domestic Violence Kidnapping Charges

Kidnapping is a serious crime, and the consequences of facing kidnapping charges are even more serious when they involve allegations of domestic violence. As a result, if you are facing a domestic violence kidnapping charge, it is important that you speak with an experienced New Jersey defense attorney right away.

When Can You Be Charged with Kidnapping in a Domestic Violence Case?

New Jersey’s kidnapping statute is broad. It allows prosecutors to pursue charges in a wide range of circumstances—including many circumstances that are common in cases involving domestic relationships. Under New Jersey’s Prevention of Domestic Violence Act (PDVA), when an alleged kidnapping involves a domestic partner, child or other “protected person,” the victim’s allegations can lead to additional consequences.

Most immediately, domestic violence allegations can result in the court issuing a restraining order before your criminal trial. A domestic violence restraining order can prevent you from entering your own home, seeing your children, and doing other things you might normally do. If you violate your restraining order, you can be arrested and face up to 18 months in jail—and this is true regardless of whether you are found guilty of kidnapping.

When can you be charged with kidnapping? Under New Jersey’s kidnapping statute (Section 2C:13-1 of the New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice), allegations that can lead to kidnapping charges include:

  • Unlawfully removing someone from their present location for ransom or a reward;
  • Unlawfully confining a person for ransom or a reward;
  • Unlawfully removing or confining a person to facilitate the commission of another crime;
  • Unlawfully removing or confining a person to terrorize the victim or another person; and/or,
  • Unlawfully removing or confining a child to deprive their parent or guardian of lawful custody.

What Are the Consequences of Facing Domestic Violence Kidnapping Allegations?

Kidnapping is a first-degree indictable offense in New Jersey. If convicted, you can face 15 to 30 years of prison time and up to a $200,000 fine. If the victim is less than 16 years old and you are also found guilty of child endangerment, child sexual abuse or child sexual assault, you can face a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years without parole eligibility.

How Can You Defend Against Charges of Domestic Violence Kidnapping in New Jersey?

While facing allegations of domestic violence kidnapping can have many long-term consequences, there are also many potential defenses to kidnapping charges under New Jersey law. When you contact us for a confidential consultation, an experienced New Jersey criminal lawyer at Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A. will thoroughly assess the facts of your case to determine what defenses you have available.

Discuss Your Case with a New Jersey Defense Attorney in Confidence

If you are facing domestic violence kidnapping charges in New Jersey, you need experienced legal representation. To discuss your case with an experienced New Jersey criminal lawyer at Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A. as soon as possible, call 877-435-6371 or send us your contact information online today.

Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.

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