Spike in DUI Arrests As Alcohol Use among Women Increases

December 30, 2011 | Posted In Recent News - Criminal Law

New Jersey DUI lawyers have been noticing an alarming trend for a while now: the number of women arrested for DUI has been increasing across the country. Now, a new study indicates that the number of women arrested for DUI has risen by as much as 36 percent over the past decade. Binge drinking among young women is also on the rise.

Earlier studies pointed to increasing financial and social independence among young women as one possible reason for the increasing number of female DUI arrests.

A new study by Traffic Injury Research Prevention, however, indicates that there has also been an alarming increase in the number of women who have children in the car at the time of their DUI. This new study suggests a possible link between the increase in female DUI charges and parenting-related stresses. 

More DUI arrests in the United States than ever before involve women who are mothers and primary caregivers.  This has given rise to the theory that women who begin drinking a little to get through the day may not realize when the number of drinks they have becomes out of control, resulting in failed breath tests. 

New Jersey mothers must know that if they are arrested for driving under the influence with a child in the car, they can be charged with endangering the welfare of a minor, a crime of the second degree, and can face potential incarceration in New Jersey State Prison for between five to 10 years in prison if charged and convicted of that.

The New Jersey DUI lawyers at Helmer Paul Conley and Kasselman represent persons who have been arrested for DUI across New Jersey.

Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.

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