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Father’s Ban on Unsupervised Child Visitation Due to Accidental Porn Download is Lifted

April 6, 2012 | Posted In Criminal Law, Family Law - Pornography

A father in the United Kingdom who was restricted from access to his 8-year-old daughter due to his accidental download of child porn files is finally breathing free. 

While trying to download a music file, 43-year-old Nigel Robinson was shocked to find that the files contained child porn images.  He immediately reported the discovery to the local police station. Child Services told Robinson that, as a result of the downloaded child porn images, he would have supervised access to his 8-year-old daughter until his laptop was seized and examined. He was informed that the process could take up to one year.  In spite of Robinson’s requests, authorities informed him that they could not expedite the laptop examination. This unfortunate scenario is not unfamiliar to New Jersey criminal Defense lawyers

The story was reported widely in the local media.  As a result, the laptop examination was expedited, and the ban on unsupervised time with his daughter has been lifted.    However, the ordeal took a heavy toll on Robinson and his family life.  He began drinking heavily under the pressure of an impending year-long separation from his daughter.

NJ Criminal Defense Lawyers’ Advice for Accidental Downloading of Child Porn

New Jersey criminal defense attorneys occasionally represent clients who have inadvertently downloaded images of child porn.  Such accidental downloads are not uncommon. For instance, a person could type in a wrong website URL and inadvertently land on a site containing images of child pornography.  Additionally, Internet users might unknowingly click on a pop-up link in an unrelated site not realizing that it would lead to a child porn site.  You could also be charged with child pornography crimes if an e-mail containing child porn images is sent to your inbox and you accidentally download the files.  There have also been cases involving persons who accidentally downloaded porn when they downloaded files from LimeWire, a file sharing network. 

If you are charged with a child pornography crime, accidental downloading can be a successful legal defense.  However, you should immediately report the incident to local law enforcement.

The New Jersey criminal defense lawyers at Helmer Paul Conley and Kasselman represent persons charged with murder, DUI, drug crimes, sex crimes, fraud, assault and other crimes across New Jersey.


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