Bill Would Speed up Marriage, Divorce Process in New Jersey

February 20, 2012 | Posted In Family Law - Divorce

Legislation Explained by Your New Jersey Family Lawyers

A bill that would make it easier for people to marry and to file for divorce has been passed by lawmakers and currently awaits the governor's signature.  The passage of the bill is expected to increase the number of people visiting the state for quick marriages and divorces.

The bill, which has been approved by both houses of the New Jersey State Legislature, shortens the waiting period for a marriage license.  The bill eliminates the mandatory 72-hour waiting period that currently applies to New Jersey residents before they can receive a marriage or civil union license.  Additionally, the bill also increases the fee for applying for marriage licenses from the current $28 to $60.

The bill also provides new options to couples that want to end a marriage.  Under the bill, couples that want to divorce can do so within 30 days without the need to go to court.  As things currently stand, New Jersey citizens who want to dissolve their marital union have to wait for at least six months before applying for an uncontested divorce.  If they can prove that things are not working out, they have to wait for at least three months.  That time period is now significantly reduced. 

The controversial bill is being criticized for degrading the sanctity of marriage, and critics believe it will turn the state into another Las Vegas.  Others say it will raise needed state revenue.

Regardless of any change in law, New Jersey family lawyers always advise clients to think deeply and seriously about entering into or dissolving a martial relationship. Consult with an experienced attorney to ensure you understand the emotional, financial, and legal consequences that can last a lifetime.

 The New Jersey family lawyers at Helmer Paul Conley and Kasselman represent persons in divorce, child support, child custody and other family law-related matters across New Jersey.

Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.

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