Bill Tobolsky Moderates Construction Law Educational Program

William H. Tobolsky, Esq. moderated a panel discussion “DIY Getting Paid Without Messy Litigation”, an educational program designed for business owners in the construction arena. The program was held at the Cherry Hill Library and sponsored by the Associated Builders and Contractors, New Jersey Chapter.

The panel was comprised of seasoned professionals in the local area to offer expertise and included Intelysis corporate private investigator Deb Myerson; American Asphalt Company COO Joe Ford; and, The Mercadien Group Managing Director and CPA Lee Boss.

Those who attended received vital information to avoid litigation that could drain company time and money. They were also privy to key techniques to strengthening client relationships while keeping a firm hold on the flow of receivables. The panel discussion was followed by refreshments.

The key message of the discussion was to create a sense of assurance for small businesses on how to effectively handle the procurement process in working with outside contractors that avoids entering the litigation process. Experts agreed that there are fundamental steps to take prior to signing contracts that ensure pay and proper treatment. Topics included possible contract provisions, keen steps to take in the event of client bankruptcy and the ideal time to be paid for services rendered.

Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A.

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