Last month, the New Jersey Attorney General announced a ban on the manufacture and sale of bath salts. These synthetic drugs have been linked to reports of health reactions across the country.
In most of the country, it's legal to buy bath salts, but New Jersey has now banned the drug. Under the New Jersey Attorney General's order, six chemicals that are used in the manufacture of bath salts will now be classified as class I controlled dangerous substances. Any person in possession of these drugs or involved in the manufacture, distribution and sale of any of these chemicals could be guilty of a crime, and could be sentenced to up to 3 to 5 years in prison.
There are at least 23 reports of people who became sick after they snorted bath salts. At least 12 people have been taken to hospital since January alone after they suffered hallucinations, accelerated heartbeat and suicidal thoughts. Those people who had voluntarily submitted their stash of bath salts to the police by May 8 will not have criminal charges filed against them.
New Jersey now joins Florida and Louisiana in banning the drug. As we looked around the web, we found plenty of confusion about what bath salts are. To clarify, these bath salts have nothing to do with the nice smelling stuff you pour into your bathtub at the end of a hard day. Bath salts are synthetic drugs sold at truck stops, gas stations and tobacco shops. They're sold under names like Cloud Nine, Mad Cow, Bubbles and White Lightning Bounce. They contain methylone, mephadrone, and methcathinone which are quite similar to methamphetamines.
The New Jersey criminal defense lawyers at Helmer Paul Conley and Kasselman represent persons charged with drug crimes, murder, assault, sex crimes and DWI across New Jersey.