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Nonagenarian Italian Couple Believed to Be World's Oldest Divorcees

January 30, 2012 | Posted In Family Law - Divorce

New Jersey divorce lawyers believe it's never too late to get out of a bad marriage- and a new divorce case is clear evidence of this truth. A 99-year-old Italian man has filed for divorce from his 96-year-old wife, making the pair probably the world's oldest divorcees.

As with so many divorces in the United States, the basis for this divorce is infidelity. According to the man, Antonio C, he was rummaging through an old chest when he found evidence of his wife's infidelity in the form of love letters. The alleged affair had taken place in the 1940s.

Antonio C evidently does not believe in forgive and forget. Regardless of the fact that it has been more than 50 years since the alleged betrayal, he has filed for divorce from his wife. The two have been married for more than 77 years.

According to the wife, she wrote the love letters when she had a secret affair in the 40s. The couple has five children, a dozen grandchildren and one great grandchild. It must be mentioned that this couple was already facing marital difficulties even before the love letters turned up. At least a decade ago, Antonio C had moved out of his house and moved in with one of his sons. A few weeks later, he moved back home.

If these two do get divorced, they will be the world's oldest divorcees, taking over the title from a British couple who divorced at the age of 98 in 2009.

The New Jersey family lawyers at Helmer Paul Conley and Kasselman represent persons in divorce, child support, child custody, and other family law-related matters across New Jersey.

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