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New Jersey DUI Lawyers Discuss Experiments with Talking Urinal DUI Cakes

August 28, 2012 | Posted In Criminal Law - DUI/DWI

Law enforcement authorities in Michigan used an inventive new technique to reduce the incidence of drunk driving over the Fourth of July as part of their annual anti-DUI campaign.  The campaign involved the distribution of dozens of urinal deodorizer cakes that contained prerecorded messages asking bar patrons to refrain from driving under the incidence of alcohol.

New Jersey DUI Lawyers note that the campaign was part of an effort to use creative new techniques to reduce the incidence of DUI over the Fourth of July weekend, traditionally one of the most DUI-heavy holidays of the year.  State officials distributed the urinal cakes to dozens of pubs, bars and other commercial drinking establishments that are members of the Michigan Licensed Beverage Association. 

Each deodorizer cake contained a prerecorded message that warned the patron against the risk of driving under the influence and asked him to take a taxi or call a friend for a ride home if in doubt of his driving abilities.  To garner more male attention, the messages were delivered in a well-modulated, female voice.

According to Michigan authorities, the point was not just to remind younger male patrons, who are at the highest risk of driving under the influence, that they would risk an accident if they drove in an impaired state, but also to get men talking about the urinal cakes and create a buzz about impaired driving. 

On its face, the urinal cakes seem like a lighthearted technique to remind motorists to avoid driving under the influence.  However, Michigan State officials aimed to stimulate conversations about drunk driving among young males, encouraging them to hitch a ride home or take a cab after having a few drinks.

The New Jersey DUI lawyers at Helmer Paul Conley and Kasselman represent persons who have been charged with DUI and face license suspension across New Jersey.  If you have been charged with DUI, speak with an experienced attorney at our firm.

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