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Binge Drinking Puts College Students at Increased Risk of DUI Arrests

February 24, 2012 | Posted In Criminal Law - Arrests, DUI/DWI

New Jersey DUI Lawyers Also Note Surprising Statistics About Binge-Drinking Senior Citizens

College students around the country are now drinking a higher number of alcoholic beverages in a single session of binge drinking, according to a study of interest to New Jersey DUI lawyers.  According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, persons between the ages 18 and 24 consume at least nine drinks per session.  Binging refers to the consumption of at least five alcoholic beverages in a row.

The study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also finds that approximately 70 percent of Americans admitted to drinking excessively, with many admitting to at least four binge drinking episodes.  During each binge drinking session, they drank an average of eight or more alcoholic beverages. 

Young adults, including college students, had some of the highest risks, with 28 percent of persons in this group admitting to drinking excessively.  The number of persons who admit to binge drinking in the United States was up from 17 percent in 2009.

There were some other surprises in the study.  According to the report, seniors above the age 65 reported the highest number of binge drinking episodes per month.  On average, this group reported between five and six instances of binge drinking per month.

New Jersey DUI lawyers know firsthand that excessive drinking is very often associated with DUI arrests. The higher the number of drinks consumed in a single session, the more impaired you are and the more likely you will fail a Breathalyzer test or a blood alcohol test.  If you have had any amount of alcohol to drink, don’t risk it. Call a cab, call a friend or call it a night; don’t drive yourself home unless you are sober. 

The New Jersey DUI lawyers at Helmer Paul Conley and Kasselman represent persons charged with DUI across New Jersey.

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