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New Jersey Accident Lawyer Discusses Four Common Brain Injury Myths

November 14, 2016 | Posted In Personal Injury/Negligence

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is caused by an external physical force such as shaking, striking against an object, a fall, or a collision with speed and force, according to The Center on Brain Injury Research and Training.  Such an injury can occur from an automobile collision, a motorcycle accident or even a slip and fall accident at a store.

The New Jersey Commission on Brain Injury Research provides that there are 175,000 New Jersey residents diagnosed with brain injuries, with an additional 12,000 new injuries diagnosed each year. When it comes to TBI-related deaths, the Centers for Disease Control report that automobile accidents are the leading cause of TBI-related deaths, with the rates being highest for individuals aged 20-24 years old.

Debunking Brain Injury Myths

Unless you are a trained medical professional or have a family member with a brain injury, most people are unfamiliar with the diagnosis and treatment of brain injuries.  This lack of understanding is likely perpetuated by the many myths that exist regarding brain injuries, such as:

  • Expect a Full Recovery: A brain injury can range from a mild injury to a permanent disabling injury that prevents a victim from returning to his or her normal life activities.  However, while tremendous advancements are being made in the treatment of traumatic brain injuries, not all patients fully recover.  If you or a loved one have suffered a brain injury, it is important to speak to a knowledgeable New Jersey accident lawyer to determine who is responsible for your injuries and your damages.

  • Brain Injury Testing Tells All: Tests such as computed tomography (CT) scans are routinely used and can help those treating you for a brain injury. An MRI uses magnetic fields to scan the brain. Additional testing procedures include positron emission tomography (PET) and functional MRIs.  Unfortunately, at the present time, none of these testing procedures can definitively confirm the exact damage or injury to axons and neurons in the brain and none can conclusively measure the existence of a brain injury.

  • Loss of Consciousness Required: Perhaps the most widespread myth of all is that a victim must lose consciousness to be deemed to have sustained a brain injury. The truth is that an accident victim can suffer a serious and even permanent brain injury without ever losing consciousness.

  • It’s Only a “Mild” Concussion: The term mild is misleading when it comes to brain injuries. The Brain Injury Association of America explains that the word “mild” relates to the physical trauma that caused the injury -- not the consequences or extent of the injury. 15 percent of those victims diagnosed with a mild brain injury have symptoms that last for at least one year. 

Contact a New Jersey Accident Lawyer Today

If you suffered a brain injury as a result of an accident, the individual or company that caused your injuries may be deemed responsible under New Jersey law. Contact the experienced accident attorneys at Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A. today and receive all the compensation that you and your family deserve.

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