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Fighting a Traffic Ticket You Got While Shopping for the Holidays

October 22, 2021 | Posted In Municipal Court

If you received a traffic ticket during the holiday season, you are not alone. From speeding to running red lights and stop signs, many people get tickets during the period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. While you might be tempted to simply pay the fine and move on, this could prove to be a costly mistake. Instead, you should hire an experienced New Jersey traffic ticket lawyer to represent you. Below are five reasons why.

1. You Might Be Required to Go to Court

First, simply paying the fine and moving on might not be an option. On the left-hand side of your ticket, there is a box labeled “Court Appearance Required.” If this box is checked, you must appear in court to respond to your ticket.

If you fail to appear, the judge has three options: (i) issue a notice, (ii) suspend your driver’s license, or (iii) issue a warrant for your arrest. If the judge issues a notice and you do not timely correct your failure to appear, this can result in a warrant being issued for your arrest as well.

2. You Might Not Be Guilty

The fact that you got arrested does not necessarily mean that you are guilty. Regardless of the facts of your case, the state has the burden of proving your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. For example, if the arresting officer’s radar gun was not properly calibrated or traffic camera footage shows that you, in fact, came to a complete stop, a New Jersey traffic ticket lawyer may be able to help you avoid a conviction.

3. You Might Be Able to Secure a Plea Deal

Even if you cannot avoid a conviction entirely, you may still be able to reduce the consequences of your traffic ticket by negotiating a plea deal. Depending on the circumstances of your case, this could involve negotiating for a reduced charge (i.e., speeding or reckless driving) or negotiating for reduced penalties.

4. More Tickets Can Mean Greater Consequences

If you plead guilty to your traffic ticket (which is what happens when you simply pay the fine), getting another traffic ticket in the future could have even greater consequences. Only three points come off of your driving record each year—assuming you go the entire year without a traffic violation. Points also mean higher insurance premiums that can be hundreds or thousands more over a three-year period, and the insurance company may decide not to renew your insurance depending on the number of points you have and on your overall driving record. The more points you accumulate, the greater the consequences you can face. Likewise, with certain traffic offenses (such as DUI), you can be charged as a repeat offender if you get stopped again.

5. The Judge Won’t Be Lenient Because It’s the Holiday Season

Finally, you cannot expect the judge to go easy on you because it is the holiday season. When you get a traffic ticket in New Jersey, you will face the same consequences regardless of the time of year. An experienced New Jersey traffic ticket lawyer can help make sure these consequences are as minimal as possible and can deal with your ticket for you while you focus on enjoying the holiday season.

Speak with a New Jersey Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Confidence

To discuss your case with a New Jersey traffic ticket lawyer at Helmer, Conley & Kasselman P.A. in confidence, call 877-435-6371 or contact us online. With multiple offices statewide, we represent clients throughout New Jersey.

Over 20 attorneys at HCK have extensive experience in defending traffic cases as they were former assistant prosecutors and/or police officers for a combined total of over 600 years of law enforcement experience. You can find out more about them on our site, and you can call Managing Partner Ron Helmer on his cell phone at 609 685-0665.

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